News & Updates

ABCGN Releases 2023-2024 Annual Report >

ABCGN is pleased to announce the release of the 2023-2024 Annual Report. This new document will take the place of our yearly, virtual Annual Business Meeting and provides updates on the current state of our organization. Download the 2023-2024 Annual Report

Certified Nurses Make a Difference: New PSA Campaign Highlights Your Value as a CGRN  >

In collaboration with the National Certification Corporation (NCC) and other nationally accredited certification organizations, ABCGN is pleased to announce the launch of the public service campaign, “Certified Nurses Make a Difference.” This PSA highlights the continuum of care provided by certified nurses within various health care specialties, and helps patients and families understand that certified nurses provide information, support and guidance for those they care for as they navigate the health care system through every stage of life.

Featured in the video is representation of Certified Gastroenterology Registered Nurses (CGRNs), and showcases the field’s certified nurses that have chosen to go beyond licensure to validate their specialty knowledge through national third-party examinations and demonstrates their specialized skills and advanced knowledge, including the latest developments in patient care.

Distribution for the national PSA campaign includes broadcast and cable TV, Connected TV, Marketed YouTube, Hulu Streaming, News Site Video Pre-Roll along with National Network Commercials in major designated market areas across the country, and is expected to generate over 200 million impressions.

View the PSA by clicking on the video below.

If you would like approval to share this PSA campaign video with your network email us at

ABCGN Expands CGRN Exam Eligibility to Include Canadian Registered Nurses >

Effective as of February 3, 2022, the American Board of Certification for Gastroenterology Nurses (ABCGN), has expanded its eligibility criteria to sit for the Certified Gastroenterology Registered Nurse (CGRN) exam to include Canadian registered nurses who have achieved Canadian Registered Nursing (RN) licensure.

The ABCGN Board of Directors, in conjunction with the Canadian Society of Gastroenterology Nurses & Associates (CSGNA), recognize that Canadian nurses must successfully attain their RN licensure through National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX). Successful attainment of RN licensure is one of the eligibility requirements for the CGRN exam. All candidates must also ensure they meet the remaining eligibility requirements, including professional work experience and proof of a valid RN licensure.

“It is a great honor to welcome our nursing colleagues from Canada into the CGRN community,” said ABCGN President Lisa Heard, MSN RN CGRN. “The CSGNA’s desire to attain the CGRN credential illustrates their commitment to validating the skills, knowledge and attitudes of the professional gastroenterology nurse. The ABCGN Board of Directors is excited to offer CSGNA this opportunity and to expand our growing body of certified gastroenterology nursing experts.”

"The union of this partnership with the ABCGN is an exciting step in building a community of gastroenterology nurses that collaborates across borders,” said Heather Dow, CPhT, CAE, CPC(HC), CSGNA Manager. "This exam will recognize our members' commitment to practice excellence and lifelong learning, value to their employers and enhanced professional credibility. We are thrilled, once again, to provide a certification route for our Canadian Registered Nurses."

Research Shows the Public Values Specialty Certification >

75% of adults think it is important for all nurses to have a specialty board certification in a relevant field, according to the American Board of Nursing Specialties (ABNS).

Nurses tend to understand the value of specialty certification but defining the value to employers and patients is a more difficult.

“The ABNS membership represents more than one million registered nurses who believe in the value of the certifications they hold,” said Janie Schumaker, MBA, RN, CEN, CENP, CPHQ, FABC, President of the American Board of Nursing Specialties (ABNS). “Reaching employers and the public with this message and, more importantly, understanding how they view specialty certification is the next step.”

Schumaker has served as the President of the ABNS since 2019 in addition to her role as the Chief Executive Officer of Board of Certification for Emergency Nursing (BCEN), a certifying agency offering five specialty certifications. “Previous research captured data on what motivates nurses to become certified but we want to turn the lens to better understand the perspectives of other audiences with a shared interest in improving patient outcomes,” she added.

ABNS conducted a national poll of 2,200 adults in 2020 to investigate the importance of specialty board nursing certifications. The results show that two-thirds of adults have a favorable view of board certified specialty nurses and 75% think it is important that all nurses are required to have a specialty board certification in a relevant field. The poll results also show support of requiring certification for employment.

After learning that board certified specialty nurses are committed to life-long learning and maintaining their certification, 74% of the adults polled were more likely to seek medical care from a certified specialty nurse.

Previous research supports the value of certification to nurses because it recognizes specialized knowledge, increases confidence, promotes recognition among peers and colleagues, and creates job opportunities. The ABNS poll shows the public also supports it when they understand board certified specialty nurses are clinical experts in their field, dedicated to providing quality, evidence-based care.

To learn more about the ABNS poll, visit

2021 Virtual Annual Business Meeting — May 25, 2021 >

ABCGN will be holding the Annual Business Meeting as an interactive webinar on Tuesday, May 25, 2021 at 12:15 pm (CST) following the closing session of the SGNA Annual Course. Register here.

The business meeting provides an opportunity for members to learn about all that ABCGN has accomplished over the past year, 2021 award winners and our 2020 end of year financial report.

Introducing Live Remote Proctoring (July 2020) >

With the ongoing challenges created by COVID-19, ABCGN is excited to provide another way for CGRN candidates to sit for their exam — live remote proctoring.

Live remote proctoring gives you the ability to take your CGRN certification exam from your home or work computer. See what live remote proctoring looks like.

Please note, your laptop or desktop system must meet the following requirements:

  • Screen Resolution: 1024 X 768
  • Operating System: Windows / MacOS
  • Web Browser: Latest Google Chrome
  • WebCam Resolution: 640 X 480p
  • Microphone: Enabled
  • Download Speed: 500 Kbps

If you would like to schedule your exam using this option, please click here and use your four-digit eligibility number and the first four characters of your last name. To reschedule your exam from a test center to remote proctoring please, have your current exam confirmation number available.

Helpful tips:

  1. You can perform a system check by clicking here.
  2. Read the user guide prior to scheduling your appointment.

Register for ABCGN's Annual Business Meeting  >

The American Board of Certification for Gastroenterology Nurses (ABCGN) is hosting its virtual Annual Business Meeting as an interactive webinar May 20, 2020 at 7:30 p.m. Central Time.

This change to a virtual format allows a greater number of ABCGN-certified professionals to attend and participate. The business meeting provides an opportunity for members to learn about ABCGN accomplishments over the past year, and hear the 2019 financial report and an update on the 2020-2021 nomination and election processes. All participants will have the opportunity to submit questions in advance of and during the meeting.

Register now.

CGRN - Eligibilities Extended through July 31, 2020 >


Due to the changing landscape brought on by COVID-19, the ABCGN Board of Directors has extended the CGRN exam eligibility window to July 31, 2020. This allows CGRN candidates to test anytime between May 1, 2020 and July 31, 2020.


As of today, Prometric test centers are scheduled to open April 16, 2020. If for any reason the exam site you choose closes, you will be notified immediately and will be asked to reschedule through the Prometric website.


We encourage all CGRN candidates to use the Prometric website as much as possible due to the increase call volume through their customer service department.


To recap, if you have scheduled your appointment and do not choose to reschedule, you are not required to do anything. If your exam appointment is canceled due to a facility closure you will have access to log into your Prometric account and reschedule you appointment until July 31, 2020.


Special Notice from Prometric regarding COVID-19 (coronavirus)


Since the inception of the outbreak of COVID-19, Prometric has been actively engaged in identifying and responding to the potential health risks it presents to our test takers, staff, and other individuals in the impacted areas.
Prometric's response has taken into account numerous perspectives, including local governmental policy and actions, information provided by global health organizations such as the World Health Organization (WHO) and the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC), corporate policies, and input from our testing partners and customers.


The Prometric Incident Management team will continue to monitor the situation around the globe and take proper future actions as needed. Please check back frequently for more updates regarding test center closings. For continued updates, click here.


Rollover Policy


If you have not yet scheduled through Prometric, contact ABCGN to request verification that you qualify to rollover your registration. You are only eligible to rollover to the next testing period, which is Fall 2020 if your Spring application was not purchased with any discounts. If you choose to rollover, you will need to submit a new application during the Fall registration period and pay the rollover fee.


Cancel/Reschedule Policy


To cancel or reschedule your exam, you must contact Prometric at least 30 business days prior to your test date. If you fail to notify them before 30 days, you will be charged a $25 cancellation or rescheduling fee. To cancel or reschedule your exam appointment, go to You can also call 800.853.6769. You will need to contact Prometric if you did not receive a confirmation email after scheduling your exam.


If you have already scheduled through Prometric:

  • First, cancel your scheduled appointment through Prometric by visiting or calling 800.853.6769. You must cancel at least 30 days prior, otherwise you will be required to pay a $25 fee to Prometric.
  • Second, contact ABCGN at or 855.252.2246 and inform us you wish to rollover your registration. If you eligible to rollover, it will be for the the next testing period, which is spring 2020.

ABCGN Operations Update (March 2020) >

Dear ABCGN community,

As we all continue to monitor developments related to COVID-19, including updates from public health officials and our community, I want to assure you that, first and foremost, we are making decisions that are focused on safeguarding the health and best interests of CGRN-certified nurses and those pursuing certification, our employees and our broader communities.


Please know that the safety and well-being of your ABCGN Headquarters staff continue to be a priority, and, as such, all employees are currently working remotely. Advanced technology is already in place to ensure that association operations continue uninterrupted, including providing all employees with laptops, access to videoconferencing, and laptop-enabled calling. This means that you can still reach your Headquarters staff, just as you have in the past.


We understand this situation is evolving quickly, and we will continue to share important information with you in a timely manner. We appreciate your patience and continued support of the organization.


We also wish to reinforce that if there is any way we can help you navigate these challenging times, please feel free to reach out to us and your peers within ABCGN. Stay healthy and safe.


Take care,


Heather Rich, MPA
ABCGN Executive Director

Special Notice from Prometric Regarding COVID-19 (Coronavirus) >

Since the inception of the outbreak of COVID-19 in Wuhan China, Prometric (who administers the ABCGN Certification Exam) has been actively engaged in identifying and responding to the potential health risks it presents to its test takers, staff, and other individuals in the impacted areas.


Its responses have taken into account numerous perspectives, including local governmental policy and actions, information provided by global health organizations such as the World Health Organization (WHO) and the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC), corporate policies, and input from our testing partners and customers.


The Prometric Incident Management team will continue to monitor the situation around the globe and take proper future actions as needed. Please check back frequently for more updates regarding test center closings.


Test Center Actions


Candidate Safety


Candidates will be permitted to use medical masks and gloves while they are testing. Please note these items will be subject to visual inspection upon entry to the test center. For a full list of permissible items, please check here.


Test Center Cleanliness


We have fully reviewed all test center operations and continue to reinforce expected actions at all test centers around the world that will mitigate the risk of spread of the virus at these locations. These procedures include regularly cleaning high-touch surfaces (ex. test station keyboard keys, mouse, biometric touch chip device) and providing disposable wipes so that common surfaces can be wiped.


Protect Yourself!

  • Wash your hands frequently with an alcohol-based hand sanitizer or soap & water for at least 20 seconds.
  • Cover your mouth and nose with your elbow or a tissue while coughing or sneezing.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands.

ABCGN Launches New Certification and Recertification Application Platform >

Effective January 1, 2020, ABCGN moved to the Certemy application platform. Certemy is a cloud-based product with improved technical capabilities, which means CGRN candidates and certified professionals will have access to the following:

  • Comprehensive Candidate/Certificant Dashboard
  • Automated Task Reminders
  • Centralized Document Storage
  • Mobile Phone Integration
  • Digital Wallets
  • Education Tracking
  • Public Registry
  • Electronic Certificates

ABCGN Headquarters will be sending out more information on the new application later this month along with a link to an online tutorial.

ABCGN Joins the Professional Certification Coalition >


The Professional Certification Coalition (PCC) was founded in July 2018 to address efforts to enact state legislation that would undermine the activities or recognition of certifications developed or offered by non-governmental, private certification organizations.


Recent occupational licensing reform legislation considered in various states has alerted private certification organizations to significant threats to their activities. These bills have included provisions that would:

  • bar many professionals holding certifications from private organizations from using the titles “certified” or “registered”;
  • create evidentiary presumptions and barriers to state professional licensure laws recognizing or requiring certifications from private organizations; and/or
  • establish governmental certification programs that would supplant private certification programs, in some circumstances.

View PCC's year-one Accomplishments.

More than 100 organizations have joined the PCC since its founding in 2018. These members include certification organizations, organizations that provide services to certification and licensure organizations, and professional societies and trade associations whose members hold or issue professional certifications or certificates.

Learn more about the PCC.
